Benefits of working with Zoofy

Zero commission

Zoofy does not charge the professional any commission or other costs. The amount shown is the amount you receive for the jobs.

Local jobs in your area

See only relevant jobs in your working area.

No hassle with quotes

No hassle with quotes. If you accept the order, it's yours immediately.

Work when you want

Ready to earn? Work on the platform with hundreds of new jobs every day.

Earn anytime, anywhere

Work wherever and whenever you want. Accept as many jobs as you want in the app: you decide everything yourself

Plan your own agenda

Fill your entire schedule with Zoofy. You plan when you work and how much.

Invoicing is easy

Quickly create the invoice in the app. No more chasing customers, we arrange the payment for you.

Get started with the Zoofy app

Download Professional App

Download now - available for iOS and Android in the stores.

Download our Professional App